Free resources

Resources to learn or improve your French

You don't know where to start? Get my FREE French resources depending on your needs!

Free French ebook - to download : basics to travel to France

Are you learning French because you’re travelling to France soon and you want to be confident when you order your croissant? This FREE guide is perfect for you!

Free French ebook - to download : basics to impress your French partner

Are you learning French because your partner is French? Do you feel it’s time for you to connect and understand their language and culture?  This ebook will give you all the basics you need!

Test your French

You’ve already learnt some French, test your level now with different exercises: listening, writing, grammar test, comprehension etc. It will take you 5/10 minutes to answer 🙂

Free French ebook - to download : basics for your French family-in-laws

Vocabulary to impress your French in-laws

Are you learning French because you’re tired of not understanding your French partner’s family and spending hours by yourself? Learn tips and vocabulary in this ebook!

Louise teaching French

A 30-minute online meeting to get us acquainted and get started on a lesson plan. We’ll be able to chat about your needs and objectives. A bientôt 🙂